Sunday, February 19, 2006

Work #1, Colorwheel

ok, ive been slacking a bit but this is my first work in my "Desktop Art." if i want to be able to use the desktop as a canvas i have to learn the properties of it in order to master the medium. this pice is a color wheel only using preset icons. i learned a lot more then i anticipated on only the 1st piece. 1: there is no apple-Z on desktop 2: each icon has a different structure. there not as much a colored pixel as they are an entire work in themselves. 3: icon size matters. and changing such setting resets a desktop (refer back to lesson learn #1). 4: there is a lot more research, testing, and trial&error involved then anticipated. 5: i dont know what i got myself into.

i hope to have 5 more up by friday testing different aspects of desktops such as only using windows, or building a visual based on structure rather then color. should be fun. please leave comments. i need feedback!!


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